Banana Diet: Loose Seven Kg in a Week
Banana Diet is a very simple diet, but it is very hard to follow all the rules, only to be done by people who are over-weight and are in a hurry to lose weight.
Leaving Starch and Sugar is the key to losing your weight and maintaining fat level in your body.
Being fat, the person not only looks bad but he also get's tired easily, becomes cranky and he cannot participate in any sports activity as it requires stamina and a fat person can't develop it - having too much fat in his body.
Banana Diet is an ensured way of loosing weight but most people can't do it, it requires strong will and encouragement to complete the week the person has started the diet.
I am telling this because one of by cousin's did this and i was amazed to hear that she lost seven kg in a week, she did that as she was getting married the next month.
Most of the people out there won't need this diet because it is too much to lose.
So let's get towards the diet.
This diet is boring as for the whole seven days you have to eat the same thing daily in Breakfast, Lunch and dinner.
The only thing you can take is Banana (3-4) with a glass of slightly warm milk, this means you can have around 9 Bananas and Three cup's of milk in the whole day and night.
Only water can be used as much as want, nothing else.
Strictly Banned:
Want to loose weight Don't drink juices, they contain sugar- even if you are not on diet, do not take them as they can destroy whole of your daily workout providing your body with enough sugar.
Second Thing, do not eat Oily and fried things, and Get away from Junk Food.
Do not use Bread even in normal days when you are not on diet.
You will never need Dieting if you eat small meals and do a daily workout of half an hour, prevent eating junk foods, Life is not for eating, eat because you need to eat to live, Do not live because you have to Eat.
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